Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What I'm excited for from Microsoft's 2014 E3 Presentation.

I really don't get AS excited for E3 anymore as I once did, due to the fact that he last few years have been a little underwhelming, but since next gen consoles are just getting warmed up, a lot of exciting things are happening.  I haven't bought an Xbox One or a PS4 yet, due to the fact that I'm not interested in enough games to justify spending the money.  I can't even promise that after E3 I will, but I saw a few things that are tempting me from Microsoft's Presentation.  Like...

Halo-  Freaking Halo.  Why am I such a Halo Fangirl?  I have no clue.  I guess your first always stays with you.  I mean I loved it so much back in the day that I named my puppy Halo.  It's the only shooter I can say I'm ok at.  And that feel..  That feel of adrenaline pumping through my body as I pull the trigger and attempt to kill someone in online battle..  (No worries.. That feel is strictly related to video games. I actually HATE guns IRL.  I'm not against them.. Just not for me.)  That feel when I'm not dead last at the end..  Anyways back to Newness..  The Halo Master Chief Collection.  Um, yes please! Halo 1 Anniversary, Halo 2 Anniversary, Halo 3 and Halo 4 all in 1080p with dedicated servers on 1 disk.. AND a mini series leading into the story for Halo 5 Guardians.  I'm about to drop the money for an Xbox One right now.   That's pretty impressive.

Sunset Overdrive-  I remember seeing Sunset Overdrive last year at E3 and thinking it looked pretty awesome.  They went a little more in depth with it this year and it still looks awesome, but I'm not sure it will be.  I have such mixed feelings about it.  It seems like it may just be another "meh" game.  I think I mainly was in love with the area.  I LOVE amusement parks in games.  It just feels as if it's missing something and I can't quite put my finger on what it is.  I'd be excited to try a demo maybe.  I just don't want to commit to buying it just yet.

Fable Legends-  I played Fable 1 and 2.  I've always been a fan of the series.  I tried playing Fable Anniversary but on launch day it was pretty glitchy, I thought.  Never really went back to see if they updated it or anything, but maybe I will after seeing the new Fable trailer. It got me pumped for the series again.  Co-op Fable?  That's awesome.  I really enjoy a game I can play with my Fiance.  It'd be really cool if it were a local co-op, but I won't hold my breathe.  If not, I'll pray for a PC release eventually.  I also like that they are allowing one person to be the bad guy.  It seems a lot of games are steering this way lately.  Reminds me of the Super Dungeon Explorer board game.  Haha.  I also saw Mario Party 10 will be doing this as well.  It's fun to screw over your friends!

Evolve- Now I'm really excited for this.  Multi-Class, multiplayer, monster hunting sci-fi shooter game.  It looks awesome.  Reminds me of a Borderlands, Monster Hunter mash up but way different in it's own style.  Oh and you can also be the Monster..

ScaleBound-  I'm pretty geeky so of course a dragon killing catches my eye.  There isn't much revealed in the trailer, but from what they do show, it looks pretty sick.  Something to watch for, for sure.

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